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marți, 9 august 2016

THOUGHTS on MUSIC and FILMS - Oldies (Toate panzele sus)

As I was caught in a discussion about books and films that feature ships and sailors, I remembered this old TV series, possibly the best one made in our country, even though it was made a long time ago, before I was even born: Toate panzele sus! Have you seen it? If you haven't, look it up on youtube - and perhaps you should read the book - you may find it at the library - its author is Radu Tudoran.

Meet the captain: Anton Lupan. And his friend, Pierre Vaillant.

And meet the crew, too:

The girl, Adnana, is not an original member of the crew, but she becomes one eventually.

And this is my favourite character, Ismail (the cook), probably the most emblematic role for Jean Constantin:

 (Source: www.youtube.com)

The series is perfect for all ages - and you might enjoy the novel as a summer read. :)

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