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duminică, 3 mai 2020

English Language: 5th B form - Food in the UK (Going Places)

Watch and listen to the video below. Write down the subtitles, translate them into Romanian, then listen to the video again, pausing it after every cue and repeating aloud.
(Urmariti filmul de mai jos. Notati-va subtitrarea, traduceti-o in limba romana, apoi ascultati din nou filmul, oprindu-l dupa fiecare replica si repetand cu glas tare. )

Write a list of foods eaten by the family in the video and a list of groceries bought by the children's mother from the supermarket,
then make a list of groceries your own family needs to buy.
(Scrieti o lista cu mancaruri consumate de familia din film si o lista de alimente cumparate de mama copiilor de la supermarket, apoi faceti o lista de alimente pe care trebuie sa le cumpere familia voastra.)

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